Wednesday, September 8, 2010

dear diary

dear diary,

remember when you used to be my friend? remember when i used to promise i would talk to you daily? remember when i used to read you from time to time and actually feel good? where have you gone? or better said, why can't I find you anymore? sure, you're still there, you're still in my laptop, the purple notebook is still there, waiting for a sharpened pencil to leave its mark on it, but where has the magic gone? 

dear diary,

today i missed you. today i missed writing. today i wanted you back. 

dear diary,

can I tell you a secret?

dear diary,

what is wrong with me? cause I'm fine....


  1. ar putea sa fie, daca nu mi-ar fi frica sa ma deschid de tot in fata tuturor:d i have to keep a part of me only to myself. and to my old school sheets of paper:d

  2. Atunci iti faci un alt blog privat unde, doar tu ai acces, desi, e mult mai comod sa stai intinsa-n pat si sa scrii cu pixul :)

  3. Oameni ce nu au somn nopatea/p Inteleg, pentru asta avem nevoie de jurnal, pentru noptile cu noi...

  4. oameni ce nu dorm noaptea, pentru asta avem nevoie de jurnal, pentru noptile cu noi...


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